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"What Defines An Adult?"

What Defines An Adult?.... Is It Reaching the Legal Age of Consent? Is It being Old Enough to Vote? Is It being Old Enough to buy Liquor? OR Is It , When You are Paying the Cost to be the Boss? I Am Sure that We All can Agree that All of the Above things that I just Previously Mentioned Surely Constitutes You being Grown. You Will Not get Any Argument there... But Does that Define An Adult?. Now that We have gotten that Out of the Way, Now We can move on to the Meat and Potatoes of the Subject.

What Defines An Adult?.... Is it A Person, Who has lived on this Earth long enough to gain Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, and Discernment? That helps to Govern themselves through the Challenges of life with Such Style and Grace. There Is A Huge Difference between A Grown Ass Man Versus A Grown Ass Man that Is Still Acting like A Little Boy trapped In A Mans Body. OR A Grown Ass Woman Versus A Grown Ass Little Girl who likes to Play Grown Up. How Each One Moves, and Operates, Will Always Separate the Two. You Can Never get the Two of them Confused, They Are Not in the Same Class...One Is Totally Out of the Others League. Point Blank Period!!!!

What Defines An Adult?.... Reaching the Age of Adulthood, Does Not make You An Adult. If Your Mindset, And Your Actions Do Not Coincide, Your Age Only Makes You Grown. There are A lot of Men and Women in this World Who would love to Remain A Big Ass Toys R' Us Kid. Some People just Refuse to Grow Up Mentally.... And Unfortunately Some are just Unable to. They are literally Stuck.... Between Two Levels in life. One, That they are familiar and Comfortable with, And the Other One they are Afraid to Embrace... Because they are Afraid of Change. Maybe that Is One of the Reasons, So Many Men and Women fail to keep Up with their Chronological Age.

What Defines An Adult?..... And No I Am Not talking about the Handicapped. They are Not even on the list... They Can Not help themselves. No I Am Speaking of the People Who seem to be Caught in A Time Warp. The Memories of Yesterday, When they was the Shit. IT Is Sad to Watch, How Some People find it So Hard to Let Go of An Era, A Time, That has long Since Passed. IT Is Not that IT wasn't A Good Time.... IT Was!!! Everyone Can Enjoy traveling down Memory lane Sometimes. IT Is A Reason IT is Called Memory lane.... Hence.... Memory!!! If You Embraced It then... GREAT!!! If You Didn't.... Sadly You Missed It.

What Defines An Adult?...... Trying to Relive Your Youth, Once You have reached A Certain Age, Is Not A Good look. I Am In No Way, Suggesting that the Party Is Over. You are As Young as You feel. You Should live life Until the Wheels Come Off, But at Some point Some things that You use to do in life, Should No longer Interest You. The Novelty Is Suppose to Ware Off Over Time.... IT'S Called Growing Up!!!

What Defines An Adult?..... ITS like Still believing that 45's are Still in Style.... When Everything Now Is Digital. 45's Were Cool!!! They Played Great Music. The Old School Music of Yesterday was the best, I Still Enjoy it today. IT is Primarily the Only Music that I listen to. The Music Itself Is Still Amazing, But How It Is Played, Has Completely Changed. That Time has Passed, IT Is Now Considered to be A Relic. There is A Huge Difference between Yesterday and Today.

What Defines An Adult?... Some Adults in this World, Do Some of the Most Childish Shit. Some of them are known to have Temper Tantrums, When they Can Not have their way. They still enjoy Playing Childlike Mind Games to Feed their Pride and EGO. This what Children are known to do, When they Can Not have their way. Real Adults.... Would feel like that Type of Behavior Is Truly Beneath them, And they are Too much of An Adult to Behave in Such A Low Vibing Manner. As the Bible Says, When I Was A Child, I Use to do Childish Things. When I became A Man, I Put Away My Childish Behavior. Some People In the World, Still have A Whole lot of Growing Up to Do.

What Defines An Adult?..... Let Me Be Fair to the Masses, And make this Abundantly Clear. There are Some Young People in this World, Who Truly have their Act together. They know where they are Headed, And what they want, and what they Do Not want. They Are More In tuned, And far more Mature than their Counterparts, That are Twice, Sometimes Triple their Age. In their Minds, They are Fully Grown.... They just need for their Age to Play Catch Up.

What Defines An Adult?.....Then You have the People in the World who have been around long enough to have the Blueprint , and the Wisdom to Implement it, But They are Too Busy doing A 100 Mph ,In A 55 Mph Lane, Going Backwards. IT just Further Solidifies the Point When the late Aaliyah Said, AGE Ain't Nothing but A Number. I take My Hat off to All the Men and Women in the World, Who Stands on Principle, Integrity, and A Solid Foundation, That Defines Who You are. 

What Defines An Adult? Just like Some Young Men and Women, Can Move and Operate, As Adults. There are Some Grown Men and Women that Should take A Page Out of their Playbook, And Should Conduct themselves As Adults... Like their Age Says that they are. Yet, They Still Act like Children.... So Clearly!!! Age Can Not be the Defining Factor!!!

What Defines An Adult?.... So I Humbly Reiterate, And Ask The Question Again. What Defines An Adult? The Only True Answer, Must Lie Within A Person's Mind. I Am A True Believer that A Mind Is A Terrible Thing to Waste!!! Just A little Bit of Food for Thought... Are You An Adult? OR Are You just A Man Or Woman Child Who likes Playing Grown Up?


"What Defines An Adult?"

                                                                                            BY Jaki.



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