Missing You And Me.... What started out As A Regular Ordinary Day, Who knew that the Day that You and I met, The Moment that Our Eyes Connected, Was Divinely Orchestrated by The Most High GOD, And that Simple Unexpected Encounter would Change the Trajectory of Both of Our lives.
Missing You And Me.... Unbeknownst to You and I, We both were Blindly Unaware of the Amazing Connection that We had Unknowingly Stumbled Upon, But Somehow Innately We both could somehow sense there was something Completely Different about the Other One. That was Unlike Anything Else that We had ever Experienced or Shared with Anyone Else.
Missing You And Me.... The Connection that You and I Share, Is Yours and Mine Alone. There was A Time in Both of Our Hearts... When All We had was Each other, And Nothing, OR No One Else Mattered. No Outside Forces could Infiltrate the Bond that You and I Shared. Remember when People that We didn't even know, Would look at Us, And wish they had, What We Shared? The World knew what We Shared between Us was Real, Unfortunately A lot of People Envied Us. What Were We Thinking? To Allow Ourselves to Believe, That Everyone would be Happy for Us. There were Some People who Genuinely were Happy for Us, Who wished Us Well.
Then there were Those that didn't ever want to See Us Happy, Because they were Not Happy Themselves. That Is just how the World works Sometimes, Some People Do Not want You to have Something that, They Can Not have for Themselves. So they will Plot and Plan to Help You to Lose It, Before they are Forced to Have to See You With It!!! Beware of The False Smiling Faces!!!
Missing You And Me.....As Painful As It Is to have to Admit... The Truth Is, We Can Blame No One Else.... But Ourselves. We gave People Platforms to Speak... That Should have Never had A Voice. Is the Word Blame, Even the Appropriate Word to Define what We Allowed to Happen to Us? Yes, We Should have Protected" US " Better than what We Did. We Allowed the World, And its Unsolicited Opinions to Dictate Who We were to Each other. We let the World In, And Slowly but Surely, IT began to turn Our Whole World Upside Down, And IT left Its Mark on US Both, As A Blatant Reminder that It was Here. What Use to be So Good, Somehow went so Wrong!!! When I think about you... Its Better Sweet!!! Part of Me, Still loves You, And Part of Me Don't. You know when the Loving Is Still So Damn Good, But what use to be so good isn't any longer as good for you. The Damage has been Done!!!
Missing You And Me....We Seem to have Forgotten, What Made Us Strong. We left Everything that was Of this World, On the Outside. All that We Ever Needed was "US".... You And Me, We Were Enough!!! We lived by The Motto....If You were Not for Us, You were Against US, And There Was No Room for You in Our Circle... Isn't It Funny How Things Change?
Missing You And Me.... IT'S Not Everyday, That You will be Blessed by The Most High GOD, To Put Someone in your life, That You know that Truly loves You, And You Truly love Them Too. So Many People these Days, Claim they know what Real Love Is.... But Believe Me... Despite What They Say..... Many Do Not!!!! IT just Sounds Really Good to Say. If It Doesn't Hurt You to Love..... And It Doesn't Invoke You to Change.... And Bring Out the Best In You.... Odds Are, IT Isn't Real love. Please Do Yourself A Favor, Do Not Continue to Confuse Yourself!!!
Missing You And Me.... Some days, You will Shed Uncontrollable Tears, Sometimes Out of Nowhere, Or So It Seems at the moment. Your Soul Knows The Truth!!! You have lost Something, That Once held Great Value, That You May Never have Again In this lifetime, And Now You have to learn how to Accept that. You can find Yourself Mourning for what You have lost, And what You know that You Should have had.
Missing You And Me....Then the Harsh Reality Begins to Set In. The Distance, The Changes, Are Real, IT Is Not just A Figment of Your Imagination, Or A Bad Dream, That You will Eventually Awaken from. Everything Is Different Now, We Are Different Now. Can We Ever Find Yesterday Again? OR Is It Gone Forever? OR Should We just Trust that Everything Happens for A Reason, And Everything Is In Divine Order? What Is Meant to be In Our lives.... Will Not Pass Us By.... The Most High GOD will Make Sure of that. So What We All Must learn to Do, Is to Trust The Process. What Is Meant to Be.... Will Be!!! And What Is Not..... WON'T!!!!
Missing You And Me..... Sometimes Separation, Is One of The Greatest Acts of Real Love, One Person Could Show the Other, and Themselves. For In Separation, Both Parties Involved, Are able to Discover Themselves Independently of the Other. IT Can be A Very Painful Experience.... But Also Very Healing at the Same Time. Anything that You Put to The Test, And Apply Pressure To, Is going to Always Reveal what It Is Truly Made Of. Something's, And Some People, Will Rise to The Occasion, While Others will Fizzle and Tap Out. Either Way, You Will Discover, If You have Something that Is REAL....OR Something that Is FAKE!!!! The Truth Will Be Revealed...
Missing You And Me.....If Our Destinies In Life, Somehow Alters Our Paths, And for Whatever Reason that We Do Not Meet Up with Each Other Again In this lifetime. I Want You to know, That loving You, And You loving Me, And the Choices that Were Made, Has Changed My life. Once You have Imprinted On Someone, They will Never Forget You, And You will Never Forget Them. Our Souls Connected... We Will Always Have That!!!
Missing You And Me... What Is Meant to Be.... Will Be!!! If IT Is In The Master's Plan, When The Time Is Right.... You Will Know Exactly When, Where, And How to Find Me. Remember, We Are Each Others Other Half!!!
Missing You And Me.... Until Our Souls Meet Again..... Missing You And Me!!!
"Missing You And Me"
By Jaki.