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  "If You Could Turn Back Time"


If You Could Turn Back Time.....Is there anything that You would do differently? What would You change If given the Opportunity? Would You Change Anything? You know the Old Adage....If I knew then, What I know now....I would have!!!! OR Are You A Firm Believer that regardless of the Outcome, Situations that happens in Our lives Good, OR Bad, Even Circumstances that We may not Understand at that moment, They will Unfold just As they are Suppose to, Because Nothing happens by Accident. Everything that happens in life, Is in The Most High GOD'S Divine Timing and Divine Order.

If You Could Turn Back Time.... Although, All of Our life's Challenges Will Not All be the same, but I think that We All can Agree that everything that We ever went through, The Choices that We were led to make, Help to Cultivate Who We are today. Without Certain Circumstances, OR Specific Situations in your life, Would You Be, Could You Be Who You Are? The Roads that We Choose to take, Help to Define Who We Are, and Who and What We will Eventually become. There are No Wrong Choices, Whatever Road that You decided to choose, Had Your Name written on it, With Specific Life Lessons that You Needed and were Meant to learn. Would You really want to Change any of that? Sadly, I Do Realize that Some things that We learned along the way, Came at such A High Price, and If You knew back then what it would have cost You, You would have Given IT All Back.

If You Could Turn Back Time.....Is that the Moment in Your Life, When You Come Full Circle? When You Realize your Choices, and Your Mistakes, and where they have led You in life. You begin to take Self Inventory, On How much You really have Grown. OR If You are Really Growing At All. You start to Ask Yourself the Serious Questions, That You may not like the Answers to.... When You tell Yourself the Truth!!!! Like, For Instance...Has the Adolescent You, Finally Caught Up with the Mature Adult You? Where You have learned from your Past Transgressions.... Now You are Wiser Now!!! Your Past Does Not Define Your Future!!!!

If You Could Turn Back Time..... Each and Everyone of Us, On Some level would love the Opportunity, To Be Given A Second Chance to Set Some things right in Our lives, that We feel like We may have Fumbled. The Truth Is, There are No Do Overs, Because You Can Not go back in Time. There are Specific Moments in Time..... That are Just that.... Specific Moments In Time!!! When they are Gone, They are Gone!!!

If You Could Turn Back Time..... Fortunately, There are Amazing Blessings, That are Hidden Away in Time. The Past Affords You the Ability of Hindsight, Twenty Twenty Vision. The Ability to See the Whole Picture.... Completely!!! What Was Once Unseen, Has Now Come to Complete Fruition. Because of the Choices that You have already made... You Already know the Outcome of those Choices and Where they lead. You just have to be Smarter moving forward, and make better choices, and Don't Continue to make the Same Mistakes Over and Over Again.

If You Could Turn Back Time......There Is No Need for Any of Us, To Walk, Or to live In Regret. If I Could've, I Would've, That Mindset will Only Ware You Down and Ware you Out. You Can Not Change the Past, But You can have An Impact on Your Future. Learn to live with Intention, Do what You know that You are Suppose to do,  When You are Suppose to Do it. Try Not to Put Yourself in Compromising Positions that You know Will Not Serve Your Highest Good. Then You Will have No Regrets of What You Wish You had An Opportunity to Do Again.

If You Could Turn Back Time.....If You Remain Present in the Moment.... And You Continue to Always Show Up. Stay Proactive.... Not Reactive!!! Stay Ready....So You Don't have to Get Ready!!! You Will Not have to look back at Your life Too Often, Wishing If You Could Turn Back Time!!!!


                                   "If You Could Turn Back Time"

                                                                                            BY Jaki.




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