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"Energy to Energy"

Energy to Energy....Is An Unforeseen, Undeniable, Magnetic Source of Power. The Source of its Power can not, and will not, Ever be Contained. Energy to Energy... Energy does not Lie, and it never Dies...It is Transmutable!!! It is A Living Organism, that will not be Manipulated.... Only Transformed. Energy is just like the Truth, and the Rain. IT doesn't give A Damn who it falls upon....All that it Requires is A Host.

Energy to Energy..... Have You ever encountered someone, Or Something that You felt Overwhelmingly Drawn to? And You didn't quite know why? Energy to Energy.... Energy will Always Recognize Like Minded Energy. Subconsciously, You will always Gravitate towards what feels familiar to You... You are being Led through Your Spirit. Sometimes it can be something as simple As meeting Someone for the very first time. Yet You feel Surprisingly Comfortable and at Ease with Them. Normally, You are never that open with People that You have just met. You are usually more Protective of Your Energy than that.... People are Rarely Who they seem. IT is just something so Different about them, It is As though You have known them for Years., And this is the first time You have Encountered them.

Energy to Energy.... Your Spirit Will Never Lie... When You are Connected to Your Intuition and Discernment. Energy to Energy Will Always Reveal Itself to You. IT Can, and Will, Reveal So Many Hidden things to You. That Some People will never be able to see. The Energy that they carry just is not right.... Energy Vampires Are Real!!! Because of Your Ability to Recognize and Read Energy... You can see how so many Situations in Your Life, Can and Will play out. Some People will begin to find it Hard, Almost Next to Impossible to Fool You with Their False Narratives.... You can see right through them... Their Energy will Speak before they do. It Will become so clear to You, Like A Picture You can Visually see hanging on the Wall. IT is Your Own Personal Superpower.... Like Wisdom!!! Either You have It...OR You Don't.

Energy to Energy...There is Always Two Sides to every Coin. Have You ever walked into A Room and the Energy just was not right? You could Not put Your Finger on it. You just knew that You could feel Something was Off. Energy to Energy... Some People in this World Carries Great Energy.... Almost Angelic!!! IT was never anything that You had done, Sometimes The Light that is Within You Irritates The Demons that are Attached to Others.

INNATELY, You can feel that there is something there that Does Not Agree with Your Spirit. Some People in this World need A Whole lot of Leave Alone Room. You are Not their Cup of Tea... And They Definitely Are Not Yours. Energy to Energy... You will Never Mesh Well... When You are Unequally Yoked. Energy to Energy.... Some People Carry such A Magnetic, Healing Force of Energy. Just being around Them, Some of The Blessings on their Life, Become Blessings in Your Life.... Just By Being Connected. Give Yourself some Credit... That You were Smart enough to take A Few Pages from Their Playbook.

Energy to Energy..... While Other Peoples Energy, Sadly Can be So Dark and Unsettling, With No Real Sense of Direction Or Stability. They're All Over the Place... Whenever You seem to be in Their Company... Anything that Can Go Wrong..... Always Seems to. IT is starting to feel like An Omen of Some Sort. IT is As if A Dark Cloud seems to follow Them wherever they Go. Some People have very Distinct Auras about Themselves. Some are Good and Healthy.... And Some Are Not So Good.... They're TOXIC!!! The Old Folks use to say....IT takes All Kinds to Make the World Go Around. Maybe The Most High GOD is Trying to tell You Something.

Instead of Them being A Blessing in Your Life....They turned out to be Your Greatest Lesson in Life. Energy to Energy.... Always Stay Mindful of The Energy that You Put Out into the Universe. Rather It is Good OR IT is Bad.....IT Will be Returned to ITS Original Sender. The Most High GOD is Always Paying Attention. The Energy that You Give... Will Definitely be The Energy that You will Get.

                                         "Energy to Energy"

                                                                                       BY Jaki.



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