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"A Breath Of Fresh Air"


A Breath Of Fresh Air... With All of the Many Uphill Mundane Challenges of life, That We tend to Face Everyday. You may find Yourself trapped inside of A Dull, Day to Day, Existence and Routine. That You have just allowed Yourself to become Comfortable with, And You have just Grown Use to... But just when You have begun to allow Yourself to Nestle Comfortably into the Complacency of the way that things are. To Your Surprise, The Most High GOD, Steps In to Show You that HE has Other Plans in Mind for You.

A Breath Of Fresh Air.... Just when You think that You have It All Figured Out, And what You currently have, Is All that You are going to get. Trust Me Family and Friends, That Is Not Always the Case. Surprises, Always Seem to Show Up, When You least expect them. IT Is When You begin to think that this is As Good as It Gets.... The Most High GOD Sends You A Breath Of Fresh Air. As A Sign, To Remind You that HE was listening when You were Praying....To Ensure that You Remember to Never Give Up Hope. One Day, When You least expect it....HE Was Going to Answer Your Prayers!!!

A Breath Of Fresh Air.... Is Something that Your Mind, Body, and Soul, Knows that It needs... But You Never Seem to Realize just How much You needed It. You Had No Idea, What You were Missing.... Until You Experienced It in Your Life. Have You ever been So Thirsty? That Nothing Seemed to Do the Trick.... Until You Got A Cold Glass of Water. You didn't Realize just How Thirsty that You was, Until You Got It, And It felt So Good going down.... Quenching Your Thirst!!! There Is No Better Feeling, Then Meeting the Need Of What Your Mind, Body, and Spirit Yearns For.

A Breath Of Fresh Air..... The Same Holds True, With the Dull, Stagnant Winds of life. You know that You Need Something Different.... Even If You Do Not know what that Something Different Is. It is When the Winds begin to Change, That Generates A Different Type of Energy....A Healing Energy, That makes You feel So Good, And Grateful to Be Alive. A Breath Of Fresh Air.... You Realize Then... You Did Not Find It.... IT Found You!!!

A Breath Of Fresh Air....None Of Us Knows, How The Stories of Our Lives will Inevitably Play Out. We All Believe, That We know what It Is that We Want. So We Stay In Prayer, To The Most High GOD, And Continue to Hope For the Best. But Right when You are Not Looking, And You think You have Figured It All Out.... HE Will Send You An Unexpected Surprise....A Breath Of Fresh Air!!!! Something, OR Someone, That You Always Wanted and Needed.... But Wasn't Quite Sure You Would Ever Get.

Just An Important Reminder!!!! What We Believe To Be Impossible.... Is More than Possible Through The Most High GOD. We Must Continue to Always Put HIM First In Our lives, And HE Will Give You The Desires of Your Heart!!!!

A Breath Of Fresh Air....As Powerful, And As Soothing, As A Summer Breeze, Can Be to The Leaves on A Tree. To Help Remind Them of their Purpose, After coming out of their Slumber. Having to Endure, and Combat, The Brazen Winter Elements..... Gentleness Must Be Restored!!!!

A Breath Of Fresh Air..... Some People In this World, Carry Such A Magnetic, Healing Energy, And just to be in their Company....Is So Healing... There Is No Way that You Can Not Feel It!!! What A Profound Experience It Is, OMG, If They Focus, And Intentionally Project It Upon You... IT Is Unlike Anything You have Ever Felt. You Will know that You have been Touched By Them!!!

A Breath Of Fresh Air..... WE All Know that Feeling....Where Have You been All of My life.... And Why Didn't Someone Tell Me. This Is Really Real... This Is Not Something that I Conjured Up In My Mind. I Can See It, I Can Touch It, And I Can Feel It. The Power of A Breath Of Fresh Air!!!!

A Breath Of Fresh Air..... Sometimes Is The Most High GOD'S Way, Of Giving You Beauty for Your Ashes....As A Way of Balancing Out the Scoreboard. For All the Times, That You felt like You kept getting the Short End of the Stick.... But In HIS Divine Timing, HE Always knew that He Had A Rainbow, Specifically With Your Name On It, After the Storm.

A Breath Of Fresh Air..... After A lot of Uncertainties that life, Can Often times bring. I Now look to the Future, With A New Found Sense of Hope, And Expectancy, Of the Possibilities that Tomorrow Can Bring. Things that Are Old, That Are of the Past, People, Places, OR Things, They Had their Time. I Now Open the Door, To New Energy, New Experiences, That Nurture, Feed, And Renew My Spirit. That Will Further Solidify, I Am Who I Am, And The Most High GOD, Put Me Here for A Divine Purpose.

A Breath Of Fresh Air..... I Suggest To All, That are listening to the Words that I Speak, That You Do the Same. Do Not Give Up on What the Future Holds for You. No Matter what Your Past May Be, The Tides, And the Winds, Can and Will Always Change. Sometimes All IT Takes..... Is A Breath Of Fresh Air!!!! And Your Whole life Can Change!!!!


"A Breath Of Fresh Air"

                                                                                    By Jaki.



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